The documentary “Stem Cells: The Next Frontier” is set to be screened on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 7pm at the Sunrise Lodge in Park City, Utah.
Stem cell research is the next frontier in medicine, but many have only the narrowest understanding of what it is, what it can do, and why it isn’t explored to its full potential in the United States.
The creators of the 20 minute short movie joined forces with Blue Horizon International, BHI Therapeutic Sciences and Blue Horizon Charitable Foundation teams, to explore what exactly stem cells are, as well as their potential to reshape the medical world. The executive Producer of the documentary is Brian Mehling, M.D., founder of IMP. The production team was led by Ralph Moffetone and John-David Grayson and the supervisor of the project is Melody London.
Dr. Mehling will be available onsite to share insights on the current and upcoming breakthroughs in regard to cellular and regenerative medicine and stem cell research as it relates to the technology revolution. “The ‘miracle drug’ we are all searching for may not be a drug at all. It may be our own cells. Stem cells have the potential to treat better than any pill or drug, because it directly gives the body exactly what is missing – healthy cells,” said Dr. Mehling. “Regenerative medicine is not the future, it is the present.”
Industrial Motion Pictures was originally founded in the 1950s. The mantra is not based on profit, but rather, they emphasize and focus on the impact their films bring to communities on a diverse level. A creative film company founded by Dr. Brian Mehling, CEO. IMP, in association with Mehling Studios brings creative and innovative films to life. IMP has been associated with films such as: A Smile for Bow, Tiny Tears, Italy’s Forgotten Earthquake, and many more. In production now, Stem Cells: The Next Frontier. For more information please visit
The Blue Horizon Charitable Foundation is a recognized 501 (c) (3) organization, dedicated to increasing the awareness of global inequalities in healthcare, as well as providing charitable medical care and education to adults and children in impoverished areas. For more information please visit
Blue Horizon International is a healthcare consulting company with a unique mission that combines treatment, research and philanthropic efforts. Across the globe quality care and services for medical treatments are provided along with resources needed to assist children and adults who are medically underserved. For more information please visit at